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Volunteer - Dragon Boat

لا توجد طريقة للتواصل مع مجتمعك أفضل من خلال التطوع. يدعم متطوعونا اندماج الوافدين الجدد، مما يخلق مجتمعًا متماسكًا للجميع. فيما يلي بعض البرامج التي يسعدنا تقديمها في YMCA ويمكن لمتطوعينا المشاركة فيها..
فرص التطوع الحالية لدينا هي:
YMCA Canada Connects برنامج المطابقة بين المتطوعين والأفراد / العائلات الوافدين الجدد
برنامج الحياة النشطة، بما في ذلك ميسرين لفصل اللغة الإنجليزية
نادي الواجبات المنزلية - دروس خصوصية عبر الإنترنت للشباب
المهارات الدراسية ليوم السبت - التطوع مع الأطفال
فوائد التطوع:
التدريب على "التواضع الثقافي" و"حماية الطفل"
سجل ساعات التطوع
خبرة في العمل مع مجموعات سكانية مختلفة
ما الذي تحتاجه للانضمام:
مقابلة تطوعية
شهادة السجل الجنائي صالحة مع فحص القطاع الضعيف
شهادة الخلو من سجل إساءة معاملة الأطفال
ثلاث رسالات مرجعية
الالتزام بالتدريب الخاص لYMCA
What you will need to complete:
· Volunteer interview
· Valid Criminal reference and vulnerable sector check
· Child Abuse Registry Check
· Three references
· Commitment to YMCA training
Benefits of volunteering:
· Training in Cultural Humility & Child Protection
· Record of volunteer hours
· References
· Experience working with diverse populations
Available Volunteer Positions
Volunteer at Canada Connects
YMCA Immigrant Services
The YMCA Canada Connects Program is a volunteer matching program that is needs-driven and supports newcomers to become fully engaged in Canadian life by increasing their understanding of the social, cultural, and economic context of the new community. This is also a great opportunity to expand on your cultural knowledge and build meaningful relationships.
Fill out the volunteer application form and send it to our Volunteer Coordinator at
Summer Camp Leader
YMCA Immigrant Services
Volunteers will engage and interact with children between the ages of 8-12 years. The YIS Summer Camp is a 6 week program that will begin in July and continue till the end of August. The Summer Camp Volunteer will support staff in effectively organizing and hosting activities. They will also be responsible for the well-being and safety of all the children attending the camp. Daily, there will be around 15 children present.
Fill out the volunteer application form and send it to our Volunteer Coordinator at
Interpretation Volunteer
YMCA Immigrant Services
Volunteers will be responsible for facilitating communication for people with limited English proficiency. Our center is currently looking for individuals who are fluent in Ukrainian, Swahili, Chinese, Tigrinya and Somali. In order to effectively provide services and programs to newcomers from different cultural backgrounds, we require language support for both clients and staff. The timings are quite flexible, as it is a needs-based support. All volunteers will be given at least a two week’s notice when volunteer opportunities are available.
Fill out the volunteer application form and send it to our Volunteer Coordinator at
Tutor - Homework Club
YMCA Immigrant Services
The Homework Club is designed to provide academic support to Newcomer youth ages 13-18.
Fill out the volunteer application form and send it to our Volunteer Coordinator at
After School Program
YMCA Immigrant Services
The After School Program has been designed to be active, healthy, and fun with an emphasis on letting children make their own choices. YMCA staff work to build a special relationship with each child, helping them develop new physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills in a caring, nurturing environment.
Volunteers will engage and interact with children between the ages of 5-12 years.
Fill out the volunteer application form and send it to our Volunteer Coordinator at
Anchor 1
Matthew De-Serres
منسق برنامج كندا تتواصل والمتطوعين
Work Phone: 902-457-6882
البريد الالكتروني:
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